In 2015 the ACFL&MH acquired a significant collection of prints representing 100 of the approximately 132 known photographs taken of Abraham Lincoln during his lifetime. These photographs, captured for posterity between 1847 – 1865, witness the transformation from a smooth-shaven young man to a weathered, bearded statesman. The Lincoln Gallery offers a place for quiet contemplation of Lincoln’s timeless contributions to our nation.
The collection was acquired from photographer Norm Schumm through the generosity of Bill and Denise Brown, and was prepared and arranged by Bernadette Kazmarski and Mike Byerly, opening to the public on February 16, 2015.
Located adjacent to the Espy Post room on the second floor of the library, the Lincoln Gallery is free and open to the public during normal library hours. We invite you to stop by and view this impressive and moving exhibition.
For more information on renting the Lincoln Gallery, including specifications, amenities, and floorplan, please visit our Facility Rental page.